Sumarið 2024 bjóða fimm bandarískir háskólar upp á staðnámskeið EducationUSA Academy. Um er að ræða sumarnámskeið sem stendur yfir í u.þ.b. 2-4 vikur á tímabilinu júní til ágúst, en lengd og tímasetning er mismunandi eftir því við hvaða skóla þátttakendur dvelja. Íslenskir námsmeinn á aldrinum 16-17 ára geta sótt um  fullan styrk til Fulbright stofnunarinnar til þátttöku í EducationUSA Academy.

Nálgast má nánari upplýsingar, gögn og umsóknareyðublöð má finna hér til hliðar.

Umsóknarfrestur um sumarskólann 2024 er liðinn.

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100% styrkur

Fulbright stofnunin/EducationUSA ráðgjafarmiðstöðin með fjárveitingu frá Sendiráði Bandaríkjanna veitir tveimur íslenskum námsmönnum fullan styrk til þátttöku í EducationUSA Academy sumarið 2024. Ferðir og þátttökugjald verður greitt fyrir valda þátttakendur, og eru uppihald og tryggingar inni í því.


Almenn skilyrði sem íslenskir umsækjendur þurfa að uppfylla:

  • vera í framhaldsskólanámi (í menntaskóla eða sambærilegu námi) eða á síðasta ári í grunnskóla
  • vera á aldrinum 16–17 ára þegar námskeiðið fer fram
  • vera góður námsmaður og taka virkan þátt í félagsstarfi
  • hafa lokið enskunámi í samræmi við aðalnámskrá grunnskóla og, ef við á, stundað enskunám á framhaldsskólastigi
  • hafa íslenskan ríkisborgararétt
  • hafa ekki bandarískt ríkisfang
  • vera þroskaður og ábyrgur einstaklingur og skuldbinda sig til virkrar þátttöku í námskeiðinu

Gert er ráð fyrir því að styrkþegarnir séu „góðir fulltrúar lands og þjóðar“ sem munu, á meðan á námsdvöl stendur, kynna eigin menningu á jákvæðan hátt í Bandaríkjunum. Þátttakendur skuldbinda sig til að taka þátt í öllu námskeiðinu og lúta reglum gestgjafans á meðan á dvölinni stendur. Fulbright stofnunin mun skipuleggja ferðir þátttakenda og er gert ráð fyrir að þeir fari beint á námskeiðið við komu til Bandaríkjanna og svo beint til Íslands að námskeiðinu loknu. Tekið verður á móti þátttakendum á flugvelli og verða umsjónarmenn ávallt til staðar í gegnum námskeiðið.

A world of opportunities - An immersive summer program for international students

The Academy is a short-term academic enrichment program for 16- to 17-year-old foreign nationals who are intermediate, advanced, or native English speakers. In-person Academy sessions are intensive campus-based programs that provide participants the experience of living on a U.S. campus and exploring the U.S. higher education landscape and options.

Participating students will gain knowledge about the U.S. admissions process as they build college-level academic skills.  They will also have opportunities to engage with current international and/or U.S. students and develop a better understanding of the strength and diversity of the U.S higher education system.  Although participating institutions will offer the same core college preparatory programming, institutions may also focus curricula on personal leadership skills, presentation skills, STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics), crafting a personal statement, or related matters.  Programs offer customized visits to diverse colleges and universities for students to gain an understanding of the wide range of institutions available in the United States.  Programs may include exposure to large state institutions, smaller private colleges, minority-serving institutions, and/or community colleges.

EducationUSA Academy programs held on U.S. campuses offer academic classes that orient students to the U.S. higher education landscape and opportunities, prepare them to research academic and financial aid options, and equip them with skills to be successful at the undergraduate level.  Programs also involve cultural activities in the local community and campus visits to nearby institutions. In-person Academy sessions range from two to four weeks in length.

For more details, please visit the EducationUSA Academy website.


Eligibility and Application Overview

Participants must:

  • Have an intermediate level of English or approximately 3 years of middle to high school English language study (Note: language requirements may vary slightly by institution);
  • Be mature and self-disciplined students with a commitment to active participation in the Academy and its programming;
  • Be non-U.S. citizens and reside outside of the United States;
  • *Application timelines vary by host institution (please refer to the institution of your choice for its specific deadline).

Please contact your local EducationUSA adviser if you have questions about or need assistance completing an EducationUSA Academy application.

EducationUSA Academy Mission of Safety

Participant safety and security are top priorities of EducationUSA Academy. Host institutions are serious about the responsibility of keeping students safe and healthy.

Established protocols and policies

EducationUSA Academy is hosted by accredited colleges and universities with established protocols and policies in place related to the supervision of participants under the age of 18. All EducationUSA Academy host institutions will:

  • Adhere to local and national laws pertaining to programming for minors
  • Conduct required background checks on program staff responsible for working with minors
  • Provide health insurance coverage to participants for the duration of the summer program, and help participants obtain medical treatment as needed
  • Communicate campus/program policies, including basic safety information, curfews, codes of conduct, and emergency contact information to participating students
  • Meet students at the airport upon arrival in the United States and chaperone them to the host institution campus
  • Actively support and oversee participants throughout the program, including during classes, in residence halls, and on off-campus excursions

EducationUSA Academy is a component of EducationUSA, the U.S. Department of State-supported network of over 400 advising centers in more than 180 countries around the world that provide prospective international students with accurate, current, and comprehensive information about U.S. higher education. EducationUSA Academy is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government.