Sérþekking heim að dyrum

Þetta er góð lausn t.d. ef leitað er ákveðinnar sérþekkingar fyrir ráðstefnu eða málstofu sem stendur fyrir dyrum eða til að fá prófessor með ákveðna sérþekkingu inn í námskeið sem verið er að kenna. Slíkar heimsóknir leiða oft til frekara samstarfs þótt stuttar sé. Lista yfir bandaríska Fulbright fræðimenn í Evrópu skólaárið 2024-2025 má finna hér til hliðar.

Hér fyrir neðan má finna frekari upplýsingar á ensku:

Fulbright Inter-Country Travel Grant Program

The Icelandic Fulbright Commission participates in the Fulbright Inter-Country Travel Grant Program. The program provides:

  • US scholars on Fulbright grants in Europe with opportunities to enrich their professional and cultural experience outside of their country of assignment.
  • Icelandic institutions with an opportunity to invite Fulbright grantees from other countries in Europe to lecture or participate in other academic activities in Iceland.

US Fulbright scholars located in Iceland are welcome to participate in the program as well. Institutions interested in hosting them should contact the Fulbright Commission in their country.


Fulbright Iceland will cover the visitor’s airfare from the host country to Iceland using the most economical fare, as well as airport transfer costs and domestic flights if applicable. The Icelandic institution is expected to cover other resulting expenses (accommodation, meals and other in-country transport).

The inter-country scholar visit must take place during the US scholar’s Fulbright grant period.

If selected, the host will be responsible for making travel arrangements and will be reimbursed by the Commission.

Application Procedure

The Icelandic host institution identifies a suitable scholar from the list of US Fulbright scholars in Europe for the current academic year. If a potential host has not had previous contact with a scholar of interest, the Fulbright Commission may initiate contact on the host’s behalf.

Application form

The application form is available here

List of available US scholars

A list of US scholars located in Europe during the current academic year can be found here.