Fullur styrkur

Við bjóðum sérfræðingsstyrki á þessu sviði þar sem allur kostnaður er greiddur vegna komu sérfræðings/fræðimanns til Íslands í 2-6 vikur. Athugið að í umsóknum fyrir þessa styrki þarf ekki að fylla út upplýsingar um „cost share“ þar sem allur kostnaður er greiddur af Fulbright-stofnuninni. Frekari upplýsingar má finna á ensku hér fyrir neðan:

Fulbright grants

The National Science Foundation and the Fulbright Commission in Iceland are partnering to support Fulbright grants for U.S. academics and professionals working in the field of cybersecurity and critical infrastructure. The program is intended to foster collaboration and build relationships between U.S. and Icelandic institutions and scholars on these important shared issues.

Focus Areas

Projects must focus on topics in cybersecurity and critical infrastructure related to any of these areas: (1) pure and applied research; (2) workforce, curriculum and capacity development; (3) research coordination; (4) transitioning research into practice; (5) enterprise risk management; and (6) law, policy, and international relations. Project activities may include: teaching at the university level, delivering seminars or workshops, conducting research, consulting, developing training curricula and materials, assisting with assessments and evaluations. Topics, for example, may involve: data analytics and privacy, cyber-physical systems and IoT security, blockchain and governance, digital forensics and incident response.

Icelandic Institutions

Icelandic institutions are encouraged to tailor projects to their own needs and interests in cybersecurity and critical infrastructure. Because of the short-term nature of the Specialist awards, projects should have specific objectives that can be achieved during a Specialist’s visit. Eligible institutions are: institutions of higher education, government institutions (e.g., ministries or agencies, courts, parliamentary bodies), and medical institutions (e.g., public health organizations, teaching hospitals, etc.).

Fulbright Specialist Roster Candidates

Roster Candidates (those already on the Fulbright Specialist Roster) with the required expertise are already eligible under this grant. Interested U.S. academics and professionals, who are not currently on the Fulbright Specialist Roster, should apply at: https://fulbrightspecialist.worldlearning.org

Grant terms

Awards will be made directly to the Fulbright Specialists. The grant is fully funded through the Fulbright Commission in Iceland, including travel, accommodation, meals, and honorarium for a two-to-six week stay in Iceland. A project should be a minimum of 14 days and must not exceed a maximum of 42 days, including travel days and weekends. Multi-visit (serial) projects that comprise two or three visits in total, do not exceed 42 days in total with each visit at least 14 days in length, and have a strong justification for multiple visits will be considered.

Submission and selection process

Project proposals are submitted by Icelandic institutions. Proposals will be judged on intellectual merit, broader impact, schedule, relevance to the goals of this program, and availability of funds.

  • In the case of a named request (where the host institution is in contact with a specific Fulbright Specialist before submitting a proposal), the Specialist should be active in contributing to the project proposal.
  • In the case of an unnamed request (where a specific Specialist is not requested), accepted proposals will be matched with appropriate Fulbright Specialists on the Specialist Roster. The host institution and the approved Specialist will then further develop the project jointly and should file a final project outline with the Fulbright Commission in Iceland before the start of the project.

A link to the application portal can be found in the related content to the left.at the top of this page to the right. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Applications should in general be submitted at least three months before the preferred project start date. A general description of the process can be found at: https://fulbrightspecialist.worldlearning.org/program-timeline