Our treasure

Being around such talented individuals, following the important work they do during their Fulbright, as well as their post-Fulbright achievements, many of which are greatly inspired by their time as Fulbrighters, fills us with optimism. It is truly a privilege and inspires the Fulbright Iceland team every day. We love to show off our Fulbrighters!

See the list

Current grantees

This list showcases Fulbright Iceland grantees for the current fiscal year. Below you will find some basic information about them and their projects. Please note that additional names may be added as the year progresses.

Current grantees
See the list

Recent grantees

During the past 60 years, the Fulbright Commission has supported approximately 1500 grantees, with approximately 950 grants going to Icelanders and 550 to Americans. Fulbright Iceland is very proud of its amazing grantees,  their accomplishments during their Fulbright grant period and their post-Fulbright achievements. These talented individuals are making a difference in the world.

Recent grantees
See the list

Grantee Video Profiles

Here you will find video profiles of some of our grantees and alumni. The project was started in 2020 and we will be adding videos as they are produced. The goal of this project is to allow you to get to know a little bit better a few of the wonderful individuals that are supported through the Fulbright Iceland program. We hope this will give you a better understanding of the work we do and why it is important.

Grantee Video Profiles
Félag Fulbright-styrkþega á Íslandi


Félag Fulbright-styrkþega á Íslandi er félagsskapur allra Íslendinga sem hafa hlotið styrk frá Fulbright-stofnuninni á Íslandi, hvort sem um er að ræða Fulbright styrk eða annan styrk sem stofnunin hefur umsjón með.

Skoða nánar

Fulbright félagi - Buddy

Fulbright buddy-verkefnið leiðir saman bandaríska styrkþega og fyrrverandi styrkþega á Íslandi.

Fulbright félagi