Taktu þátt í samtali um málefni og framtíð norðursins.

Hefur þú brennandi áhuga á sjálfbærni, menningu og alþjóðlegu samstarfi? Fulbright stofnunin á Íslandi, í samstarfi við Fulbright í Danmörku, býður íslenskum ungmennum tækifæri til þess að sækja Arctic Encounter ráðstefnuna í Alaska dagana 2.-4. apríl 2025 (ferðadagar 31. mars og 5. apríl).

Arctic Encounter er stærsta árlega ráðststefnan um málefni Norðurslóða í Norður-Ameríku og er m.a. sótt af fjölda stjórnmálafólks, leiðtoga frumbyggja Norðurslóða, fjölbreyttra hagsmunaaðila og sérfræðinga á sviði vísinda, tækni og nýsköpunar. Ráðstefnan er einstakt tækifæri til hljóta ógleymanlega reynslu með því að eiga samtöl við leiðandi sérfræðinga á ýmsum sviðum, tengjast öðrum með sömu hugsjónir og kynnast lausnum fyrir sjálfbæra framtíð á Norðurslóðum.

Umsóknarfrestur er liðinn.

Tólf norrænir námsmenn hljóta styrk upp á $3,500 hver til þátttöku í ráðstefnuninni, þar af tveir Íslendingar. Styrkurinn verður nýttur til að greiða gistingu og ráðstefnugjald fyrir valda þátttakendur, sem fá síðan restina til að greiða annan kostnað við þátttöku, svo sem flugferðir, máltíðir o.fl. Um fasta styrkupphæð er að ræða.

Þátttakendur fá tækifæri til að:

  • taka þátt í vinnustofum og umræðum undir leiðsögn þekktra fyrirlesara
  • hitta og mynda tengsl við leiðtoga, vísindamenn og ungt fólk með áhuga á Norðurslóðasamstarfi
  • kynnast einstakri Norðurslóðamenningu og umhverfi Alaska-fylkis

Umsækjendur skulu vera:

  • námsmenn á aldrinum 18-26 ára í námi á háskólastigi (nemendur í grunnnámi ganga fyrir en aðrir eru velkomnir að sækja um)
  • íslenskir ríkisborgarar
  • áhugsamir um málefni Norðurslóða

Allir sem eru áhugasamir um að læra um og taka þátt í umræðum um málefni Norðurslóða eru hvattir til að sækja um.

Umsóknareyðublað má finna hér. Útfyllt umsókn, ásamt fylgigögnum, skal sendast í tölvupósti á [email protected].

Umsóknarfrestur er sunnudagur 15. desember 2024 á miðnætti.

Ekki missa af þessu einstaka tækifæri!
Sæktu um núna og vertu hluti af samtalinu sem mun móta framtíð Norðurslóða!

Ítarlegri upplýsingar á ensku hér að neðan

Calling Nordic Youth: Be Part of the Arctic Encounter 2025!

Apply now for a unique travel grant and join the Arctic conversation in Anchorage, Alaska!

Are you a student aged 18 to 26 and from one of the Nordic countries with a passion for sustainability, culture, and global collaboration? The Arctic Encounter offers you an incredible opportunity to connect with leading experts, network with like-minded peers, and explore innovative solutions for a sustainable future in the Arctic. Fulbright Denmark, in collaboration with our fellow Nordic Commissions, is excited to present this unique opportunity.

Ready to make a difference in the Arctic?
Don’t miss your chance—apply for our travel grant today and join us in Alaska!

What is in it for me?

  • connect with policymakers, arctic diplomats, indigenous leaders, industry innovators, researchers and many more,
  • share this unique experience along with 12 Nordic youth,
  • build an arctic network,
  • enhance your CV,
  • all while immersing yourself in the unique Arctic culture and environment!

What is the Arctic Encounter Symposium?

The Arctic encounter Symposium is an annual gathering to confront shared interests and concerns as we look north to the last emerging frontier – the Arctic

Dive into exciting discussions on climate action, indigenous rights, and sustainable development, all while connecting with leaders and fellow enthusiasts from around the globe. Join us to shape the conversation and be part of the movement to protect this vital region!

The symposium takes place in Anchorage, Alaska 2-4 April 2025. Learn more about the Arctic Encounter Symposium on their website.

The Travel Grant

Fulbright Denmark offers a unique opportunity for 12 representatives of Nordic youth to attend the Arctic Encounter Symposium in 2025 in Alaska. If selected as a grantee, you will receive a grant of $3,500 to cover:

  • Plane tickets
  • Potentially hotel during layover
  • Visa expenses
  • International transfer fees
  • Accommodation (a single hotel room)
  • Local transportation
  • Insurance
  • Meals
  • Participation fee for the symposium

OBS! Know that we will book your hotel as well as pay for your participation at the Arctic Encounter Symposium and deduct the cost from your grant. You will book your own plane tickets based on your travel preferences shortly after receiving your grant.


Dates: March 31 – April 6
The symposium runs from April 2-4. We invite you to gather with other Nordic youth on April 1 for networking and preparation. March 31 and April 5-6 will be travel days. Due to time difference, participants flying out on April 5 will arrive home on April 6.

Note that on March 5, we will host a pre-departure online seminar to introduce you to your peers and prepare you for your travels. On April 16, we will reconnect online for a homecoming seminar.

All activities are mandatory.

What does it take?

We encourage applications from bachelor’s level students of all fields. In your motivational letter, please share how your professional, educational, or personal experiences have inspired your interest in the Arctic.

Applicants who pass an initial screening will be invited for a compulsory interview via Zoom, and selected nominees will be notified by the end of January at the latest.

A relevant candidate should:

  • be proficient in English;
  • be interested in the pertinent issues in the Arctic;
  • be between 18 and no older than 26 years old in April 2025;
  • be from one of the Nordic countries (Denmark, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Norway, Finland, Sweden and Iceland)
  • have at least one semester left of their undergraduate studies, and therefore be committed to returning to their home institution following completion of the program;
  • be mature, responsible, independent, confident, open-minded, tolerant, thoughtful, and inquisitive;
  • be willing to respectfully engage with fellow participants representing different backgrounds and different points of view;
  • be willing and able to fully participate in an intensive seminar; and,
  • be comfortable with travel, prepared to share living accommodations (if needed), and able to adjust cultural and social practices different from those of their home country.
  • be able to participate in the online pre-departure online seminar on March 5 as well as the homecoming seminar on April 16
  • be prepared to submit a short final report about your stay
  • have a passport valid 6 months beyond the end of the travel to the U.S.;
  • be able to travel to the U.S. with the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA).


Please do not hesitate to contact [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns regarding this grant.