Fulbright in the Arctic – Meet the Scientists

Join us at Arctic Circle on October 20th
On Friday October 20th our Fulbright Iceland-National Science Foundation and Fulbright Iceland -Ministry for Foreign Affairs Arctic grantees will present their work in our annual Fulbright in the Arctic breakout session at the 2023 Arctic Circle Assembly in Harpa. See the details below:
Fulbright in the Arctic – Meet the Scientists
Invitation to engage with Fulbright Arctic Scientists and provide input into their work
Friday, 20 October 2023 15:00-15:55 in Háaloft, 8th floor
Fulbright scholars and fellows who are conducting Arctic research projects through the Fulbright Program will each give a brief pitch, after which the meeting will break up into roundtables, providing an opportunity for participants to engage with each scientist and offer comments and questions in the early stage of the research, including insights from other Arctic countries, disciplines and approaches.
Panelists and topics:
- Daison Weedop, University of Maine, Fulbright-NSF Arctic Research Fellow at Hólar University
Project: Arctic Charr: Adaptations to Cycling Food Webs - Garrison Gerard, PhD candidate at the University of North Texas, Fulbright-NSF Arctic Research Fellow at the University of Iceland
Project: The Arctic Soundscape of Iceland: Examining Ecological Interaction Through Acoustics - Andrew Jester, PhD candidate at Villanova University, Fulbright-NSF Arctic Research Fellow at the University of Iceland
Project: Feasibility of Biomimetic Micro-Climates Using Geothermal Waste Heat - Christopher Dunn, Adjunct Faculty at Colorado School of Mines, Fulbright-NSF Arctic Research Scholar at the Stefansson Arctic Institute
Project: Applying the Environmental Humanities to Conservation Management and Policy in Iceland - Derek Schutt, Professor at Colorado State University, Fulbright-NSF Arctic Research Scholar at the University of Iceland
Project: Measuring the Temperature and Extent of the Iceland Plume in the Lithosphere and Asthenosphere - Barbara Kerr, Distinguished Professor at the University of Kansas, Fulbright-NSF Arctic Research Scholar at the University of Iceland
Project: Creative Communities in Iceland; Origins, Dynamics, and Impact on Innovation - Gregory Harris, Adjunct Lecturer at Harvard Kennedy School, Fulbright-MFA Arctic Scholar at the University of Iceland
Project: Community and Conservation in the Arctic
Session Chair: Belinda Theriault, Executive Director, Fulbright Commission Iceland
Organizer: Fulbright Commission Iceland in cooperation with the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and the National Science Foundation.
Also at Arctic Circle: Introduction to Fulbright Arctic Initiative IV – Funding Opportunity Friday, 20 October 2023 12:30-13:10 in Akrafjall meeting room, 4th floor