Introduction to Fulbright Arctic Initiative IV at Arctic Circle

Introduction to Fulbright Arctic Initiative IV – Funding Opportunity
Friday, 20 October 2023 12:30-13:10 at Arctic Circle
Akrafjall meeting room, 4th floor
If you are a scientist, academic, artist, practitioner, policy maker, or knowledge keeper from an Arctic Council member state, who is engaged in Arctic research, practice, or policy join us for lunch to learn about this exciting multi-disciplinary research opportunity. The next application cycle will open on November 1st, so get a head start!
Fulbright Arctic Initiative (FAI) invites you to apply. FAI gives participants an opportunity to conduct both individual and collaborative projects over an 18-month period, on questions related to the unique challenges of the Arctic region.
We are seeking strong candidates from both the natural and social sciences, policy realm, the humanities and arts, and knowledge keepers from Arctic Indigenous communities who understand the importance of interdisciplinary Arctic collaboration to promote research, practice, and policy in the Arctic region.
- Opening of the meeting and a brief introduction of FAI
- Belinda Theriault, Executive Director of the Iceland-U.S. Fulbright Commission
- How does FAI work? What themes will FAI IV address?
- Professor Elizabeth Rink, Montana State University, Co-Lead scholar FAI IV
- Practical information and application tips
- Cecilia Kocinski-Mulder, Specialist, U.S. State Department, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
- Insights from FAI alumni
- Gwen Holdmann, Senior Researcher, UAF Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation & Industry Partnerships, FAI I scholar
- Professor Silja Bára Ómarsdóttir, Faculty of Political Science, University of Iceland, FAI III scholar
Following the presentations, there will be an opportunity to chat with the speakers and the Executive Director of Fulbright Sweden.