Fulbright Buddies – A Great Way to Make New Friends

The Fulbright Buddy system has certainly proved its value since it started in 2015. Icelandic alums and U.S. alums living in Iceland offer their friendship to newly arrived U.S. grantees, both students and scholars.
Fulbright Buddies - Lauren and Stella
“Taking part in the Fulbright Buddy system was a great experience, and a good opportunity for me as an alumna of the program to give back to Fulbright. Even though I live in a rural area and was not able to meet my buddy on a regular basis, I took my buddy on a trip to explore some of the wonderful nature of Northeast Iceland.”
Sigþrúður Stella Jóhannsdóttir, Fulbright fellow 2001 and Fulbright buddy in fall 2019
Becoming a Fulbright buddy is a great way to give back to the Fulbright Program, and we are always looking for volunteers to take part. We encourage both those in the capital area and those living outside the Reykjavík area, particularly those in the Akureyri area, to volunteer! If you want to learn more about the buddy system press the link below or contact [email protected].