Specialist Event: Jeremy Firestone

See me, hear me, touch me, feel me: Can wind power find a place at Iceland’s table?
Jeremy Firestone is a Professor in the College of Earth, Ocean and Environment at the University of Delaware (UD), holding secondary appointments in the Biden School of Public Policy and Administration and in Legal Studies and is visiting at the University of Iceland as a Fulbright Iceland Specialist. He gives an open lecture on March 16th at the University of Iceland on wind power hosted by the the Environment and Natural Resources Graduate Programme at the University of Iceland.
He holds a Juris Doctorate from the University of Michigan and Ph.D. in Public Policy Analysis from the University of North Carolina. In his research, he examines regulations; planning; decision-making; and public attitudes, human behavior, and economic preferences regarding renewable energy, primarily wind power.
He has published wind energy research in leading journals, including Nature Energy, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Science (a Letter), Energy Policy, Energy Research and Social Science, Land Economics, Wind Energy and Renewable Energy.
The event will be held on March 16th from 3pm-5pm in Lögberg at the University of Iceland and is open for everyone. Moderator is Sveinn Agnarsson, Professor and Chairman of the Environment and Natural Resources Graduate Programme.