New Fulbright Iceland Grantee Profiles!

Two grantees in the 2022-2023 cohort graciously accepted to be the subject of our ongoing project to profile representative Fulbright grantees, allowing us to learn more about some of the people we support through our grant program. U.S. Fulbright-NSF Arctic scholar Tenley Banik, Associate Professor of Geology at Illinois State University, informed us about her year of research in the Westfjords of Iceland and Icelandic student Hanna Þráinsdóttir, an MA student in Media, Culture and Communication at NYU, told us about adapting to the big city life and U.S. academia.
Check out these and earlier grantee video profiles on our website.
The Commission thanks Fulbright Iceland alum and filmmaker Erlendur Sveinsson, who has worked with the Commission on this project, and the U.S. Embassy for providing funding to make this project possible.