Introducing New Board Members

The new U.S. Ambassador to Iceland took on the role of honorary Co-Chair of the Fulbright Board upon arrival in Iceland last summer. One of his first official visits was to the Fulbright Commission, where he and the ED had a very productive discussion.
New Board Members
The Fulbright Commission welcomed two new members to the Fulbright Board of Directors in October.
Elizabeth B Lay is a researcher and PhD student at the School of Education, University of Iceland. She worked as an architect from 2000 to 2010 in Reykjavík and Washington, D.C. She completed her MA in International Studies in Education at the University of Iceland in 2016. She has served on the Immigrant Council of the Ministry of Welfare, the School Board of the International School of Iceland, and founded Vera Center, an information service for immigrant citizens of Reykjavík.

We also welcome Dr. Hrund Ólöf Andradóttir, Professor of Environmental Engineering at the University of Iceland. She received her PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering from MIT in 2000 and worked for 6 years in management consulting before joining the University of Iceland in 2006. Dr. Andradóttir has contributed to the research fields of sustainable urban drainage, air quality, and physical limnology.