
Icelandic and U.S. University Visits

Fulbright Iceland Valsson

Fulbright Iceland Valsson

Mia and the ED at the Agricultural University of Iceland

In the fall, the Fulbright Iceland Executive Director visited five Icelandic universities: Hólar University, University of Akureyri, the Agricultural University of Iceland, Bifröst University and the University of Iceland. There she met with rectors and international office staff to discuss different possibilities for Icelandic universities to receive U.S. scholars and specialists through Fulbright and the grants offered to Icelandic scholars and students through the program. As always, the universities were welcoming and they all expressed appreciation for the important opportunities provided through Fulbright Iceland.

At the end November, the Fulbright Iceland ED traveled to Washington D.C. and used the opportunity to visit a few U.S. uni­versities. Over two busy days she had several meetings with Ful­bright liaisons, with scholars and with students at Johns Hop­kins University, Morgan State University and George Washing­ton University. She was invited to lunch at Georgetown Univers­ity, which was also attended by colleagues from American and Catholic Universities. The ED talked about Fulbright in general and introduced the Fulbright Iceland program and its various opportunities. This was a great chance to meet colleagues from U.S. academia and hopefully the visit has inspired more than a few future applicants to apply to the Fulbright program.

With colleagues at George Washington University