Fulbright Iceland-Bruce A. Fowler Mobility Fund

In this time of uncertainty and upheaval, good news is much appreciated. The Fulbright Commission is, therefore, excited to announce that a dear friend of Fulbright Iceland has made a generous gift of 10.000 USD. These funds will be used to provide extra support to a US scholar or scholars with a disability. See the Fulbright Catalog of Awards Iceland page for more information at https://awards.cies.org/.
Our generous benefactor is Bruce A. Fowler from the Fulbright Association Board of Directors in Washington, D.C. Bruce visited Iceland during the summer of 2019 on an FA insight tour. During his travels, he encountered various accessibility barriers, but did not let that stop him from having a wonderful visit. He decided that he wanted to help disabled American scholars interested in cooperation with Iceland and thus he set up the Fulbright Iceland-Bruce A. Fowler Mobility Fund. Funding is open to US Fulbright scholars to Iceland with a disability that leads to additional costs that are not covered specifically through the Fulbright Program. Funding may be available for a wide range of disabilities, including, for example, hearing, vision or movement impairment. The funding could be used to assist with specialized housing needs, in-country transport or specialized assistance. We hope that knowing that there is some extra funding available in-country will encourage excellent scholars who might have been hesitant to apply.
The Commission joins Bruce in hoping that his generous contribution will encourage others to make a charitable donation to Fulbright Iceland. If ever we needed a strong Fulbright Program, it is now. Funds donated to the commission are used only for program costs. Find out more at https://fulbright.is/partners-and-support/.