Fulbright Forum – 6. og 9. desember

Kynning á verkefnum bandarískra Fulbright styrkþega
Fjórir bandarískir Fulbright fræðimenn sem hafa undanfarna mánuði sinnt kennslu og rannsóknum við Háskóla Íslands og Háskólann á Akureyri munu kynna verkefni sín og ræða Íslandsdvöl sína á tveimur hádegisfundum föstudaginn 6. desember og mánudaginn 9. desember nk. frá kl. 12 til 13.00 báða daga.
Viðburðirnir fara fram í húsnæði Fulbright stofnunarinnar, Laugavegi 13, 2.hæð (gengið inn frá Smiðjustíg), en verður jafnframt streymt á Zoom. Gestum verður boðið upp á létta hádegishressingu.
Föstudagur 6. desember
Dr. Kanwalroop Dhanda, Fulbright-Ministry for Foreign Affairs Arctic Scholar
Impact of Climate Change on Iceland’s Economy and Supply Chains: A Stakeholder Approach
Host: University of Iceland
Home Institution: Sacred Heart University
Dr. Hongjie Xie, Fulbright-Nation Science Foundation Distinguished Scholar in Arctic Research
Icelandic Snow Cover Changes and Impacts under the Warming Climate
Host: University of Iceland
Home Institution: The University of Texas-San Antonio
Þau sem ætla að mæta í eigin persónu eru beðin um að skrá sig í tölvupósti til [email protected] fyrir 3. desember.
Mánudagur 9. desember
Dr. Julio Rivera, Fulbright Scholar
Developing Location Intelligence in Business Curriculum
Host: University of Iceland
Home Institution: Carthage College
Dr. Jean Davidson, Fulbright Scholar
Leveraging Bioinformatics for Innovative Biotechnological Insights: Applied Learning in Akureyri
Host: University of Akureyri
Home Institution: California Polytechnic State University
Fulbright Forum – Final Presentations by U.S. Fulbright grantees
Four U.S. Fulbright scholars, who are completing their Fulbright grant period at the University of Iceland and University of Akureyri, will present their projects and discuss their experiences in Iceland in two sessions on Friday December 6 and Monday December 9 from 12:00 to 13:00.
The events will take place at the Fulbright Commission, Laugavegur 13, 101 Reykjavik (entrance from Smiðjustígur) – 2nd floor. All are welcome to attend. The events will also be live-streamed on Zoom. Light lunch refreshments will be provided.
Friday December 6
Dr. Kanwalroop Dhanda, Fulbright-Ministry for Foreign Affairs Arctic Scholar
Impact of Climate Change on Iceland’s Economy and Supply Chains: A Stakeholder Approach
Host: University of Iceland
Home Institution: Sacred Heart University
Dr. Hongjie Xie, Fulbright-Nation Science Foundation Distinguished Scholar in Arctic Research
Icelandic Snow Cover Changes and Impacts under the Warming Climate
Host: University of Iceland
Home Institution: The University of Texas-San Antonio
Those attending in person are asked to register by email to [email protected] by December 3rd.
Monday December 9
Dr. Julio Rivera, Fulbright Scholar
Developing Location Intelligence in Business Curriculum
Host: University of Iceland
Home Institution: Carthage College
Dr. Jean Davidson, Fulbright Scholar
Leveraging Bioinformatics for Innovative Biotechnological Insights: Applied Learning in Akureyri
Host: University of Akureyri
Home Institution: California Polytechnic State University