Fulbright Forum 12 December
Kynning á verkefnum bandarískra Fulbright styrkþega
Tveir bandarískir Fulbright styrkþegar sem hafa undanfarna mánuði sinnt kennslu og rannsóknarstörfum við Listaháskóla Íslands og Háskólann í Reykjavík munu kynna verkefni sín og ræða Íslandsdvöl sína á fundi mánudaginn 12. desember nk. frá kl. 12 til 13.00. Fundurinn fer fram á skrifstofu Fulbright-stofnunarinnar á Hverfisgötu 105, 2.hæð, 101 Reykjavík, en verður jafnframt streymt á Zoom og FB Live. Gestum verður boðið upp á létta hádegishressingu.
Fulbright Forum – Final Presentations by U.S. Fulbright grantees
Two US Fulbright scholars who are ending their Fulbright grant period at the Reykjavík University and Iceland University of the Arts will present their projects and discuss their experiences in Iceland. The event will take place on Monday 12 December from 12:00 to 13:00 at the Fulbright Commission Iceland office on Hverfisgata 105, 101 Reykjavík, 2nd floor. All are welcome to attend. The event will also be live-streamed on Zoom and FB Live. Light lunch refreshments will be provided.
Dr. Cayla Rosché, Fulbright-MFA Arctic Scholar
Icelandic Lyric Diction and Repertoire
Dr. Wanda Gregory, Fulbright-NSF Arctic Research Scholar
Empathic Computing – Mental Health and Wellness
Event on Zoom:
Facebook event: