Fulbright Commission Iceland Newsletter Issue 21

Message from Executive Director Belinda Theriault
With Fulbright scholars Barbara Kerr and Gita Steiner-Khamsi
Happy New Year!
Dear alumni and friends,
We hope that the new year is off to a good start for all of you, despite the disturbing state of affairs in our world. Knowledge, reason and compassion must continue to fight against ignorance, irrationality and hate. Democratic values and respect for human rights must triumph over autocracy and brutality. Fulbright may not be able to solve all the world’s problems, but we can be a beacon of hope and we can support individuals who every day are making a difference in the world.
In this newsletter, you will find information on a few exciting grant opportunities that are now open for applications, including a new teacher award that we are enthusiastic about. Please share these with your networks. You can also read about some of the fabulous work being done by our Fulbright scholars and fellows, including a feature article with Orri Smárason, Fulbright Visiting Student Researcher in 2023, who is making a difference in child psychology. And finally, some tidbits about our various activities and news from alumni. Enjoy!