Fulbright Arctic Initiative II: Final Meeting and Icelandic Reception

The final meeting of FAI II was held in Washington, D.C. at the end of October. FAI scholars, including Icelandic representative Professor Lára Jóhannsdóttir, had a full week of activities, including presenting their recommendations to policy-makers.
FAI II policy brief
See the FAI II policy brief here
On the occasion of the final meeting, the Icelandic Embassy in Washington, D.C. hosted the main FAI reception at the Ambassador’s residence, bringing together a wide variety of stakeholders involved with the Arctic. The Fulbright Commission brought talented Fulbright fellow, Erna Vala Arnardóttir, PhD student in musical arts at USC, to Washington for the occasion, where she gave a marvelous piano performance, which elevated what was already a very successful evening. Many thanks to Ambassador Bergdís Ellertsdóttir and the Embassy team, who are always so supportive of Fulbright Iceland.