Bruce A. Fowler Mobility Fund

Last spring a great friend of Fulbright Iceland, Bruce A. Fowler from the Fulbright Association Board of Directors, made a generous gift of 10.000 USD to the Commission. These funds will be used to provide extra support to a US scholar or scholars with a disability.
Bruce visited Iceland during the summer of 2019 on an FA insight tour. During his travels, he encountered various accessibility barriers, but did not let that stop him from having a wonderful visit. He decided that he wanted to help disabled American scholars interested in cooperation with Iceland and thus he set up the Fulbright Iceland-Bruce A. Fowler Mobility Fund. Funding is open to US Fulbright scholars to Iceland with a disability that leads to additional costs that are not covered specifically through the Fulbright Program. Funding may be available for a wide range of disabilities, including, for example: hearing, vision or movement impairment. The funding could be used to assist with specialized housing needs, in-country transport or specialized assistance. We hope that knowing there is some extra funding available in-country will encourage excellent scholars who might have been hesitant to apply.
The Commission joins Bruce in hoping that his generous contribution will encourage others to make a charitable donation to Fulbright Iceland. If ever we needed a strong Fulbright Program, it is now. Funds donated to the commission are used only for program costs. Find out more at