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Attention U.S. Alums Who Are Bringing Student Groups to Iceland!

Fulbright Iceland

Fulbright Iceland

Indiana University student group visiting the Commission in March

Did you know that we offer our alumni an opportunity to visit the Commission with student groups from the U.S.? Let’s take one example. For the third year in a row, Fulbright alums Priscilla Barnes (Fulbright Scholar 2020-2021) and Lily Albright (Fulbright Hays Seminar 2021) brought a group of students from Indiana University, Bloomington, to Iceland for a week in March. The Commission welcomed the students on the first official morning of their study program to give them insights into Icelandic culture and society, and to educate them on the Fulbright program, as they think about their future plans.

Alumni who visit Iceland with student groups from their home university are encouraged to contact the Commission and explore the possibility of a group visit to the Commission.